Someone is coming tomorrow to meet our ferret. He is interested in adopting him from us. I didn't think I would be sad, but I am. I don't regret my decision though, I'm sticking to my guns, I still think it's for the better. Hubby says next time I want a pet he is giving me a firm "no". Understandable. The man is coming quite a distance to meet him and he seems very sure he wants him. He has two ferrets, one is really old and has cancer and the other is a very young girl. He seems like a really great guy, that makes me feel good. It's so strange to think that after tomorrow I won't ever see him again. I will be happy to have my home back though and smelling fresher! I just hope the kids can handle it well. I have a feeling my 4 year old will be the most hurt by this, I mean she really loves him so much, she calls him her boy and she talks about how she's so happy to be his mommy. I think that's what hurts me the most is that it is hurting my family to let him go. It will be better for the ferret to have someone responsible to look after him and another ferret to play with and it will be better for us too. The girls won't have him to fight over or get yelled at for losing track of him and hubby won't get griped at for forgetting to change his litter and I won't have to smell him or bathe him or trim his nails, etc. I still feel bad, not for him, I think he will be better off, but I feel sad for my girls having to give up another pet. I hope they will forgive me.
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