I called Medicaid on Friday. First they tell me my address and phone number are out of date. They tried to tell me that I never updated them. Which is impossible, since they have my lease agreement and forms filled out by my landlord. Sounds like the case worker is a total flake, if you ask me.
Then they said that there is a note in their system that says that the case worker called me and left me a message telling me that I have 10 days to bring in the "missing" documents. I tried to explain again that there are no documents missing and additionally no one had phoned me that morning. There were no missed calls and no messages on my phone.
Something VERY fishy is going on here.
The customer service gal said that she will put a note in the system for the case worker to call me again, but that she has 48 hours to do so. She said I need to wait until Tuesday evening (the 18th) at 5 PM. If I do not hear from them by then, I call on Wednesday, the 19th and request a call again. Meanwhile she tells me that the mysterious missing message the case worker left for me demands that I turn in these documents 10 days from the date they denied my application. Which was on Sept. 10th. Whoah.
Here's the real kicker. If I hadn't called, I still wouldn't even know that I was denied. I haven't received anything in the mail explaining it to me yet.
Seeing as how the stupid case worker hasn't even bothered to update my contact information in the system, I'm pretty sure she hasn't taken the time to review all the documents I turned in. Apparently it was just easier for her to pick up a stamper that says "DENIED" than to actually do her job.
You can bet if this isn't fixed I will be throwing a fit in someone's face BIG TIME.
I am REALLY angry.
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