Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fun! Random Thoughts!

It's been a few days since I've put any updates here, I know.

Speaking of which, I desperately need to update the Tickled Toes site too.

I know this is a random thought, but I keep hoping our baby will get a baby shower before his birth, and with his initials being JET, I thought a Jet Plane theme would be SO incredibly cute for a baby shower!

On to other random thoughts... It's been so long since I have updated that now the post must consist of a lot of random thoughts!

We're still getting to know Gizmo. She doesn't seem to fancy the children too well. Which is quite sad, because I wanted a family dog, not a dog for me & Daddy.

My blood pressure has been on the rise, even with the medication it's not under control. This morning is was 154/105 OUCH!

Our dog is strange in that she prefers to pee & poo on the SIDEWALK! It is SO embarrassing! I am also teaching her NOT to eat on my bed GRR!

I took her to the vet to get her stitches out from being spayed and they said her stitches are already out, she must have bitten them out herself. They also said she looks wonderful and well cared for and the only thing wrong is that she has a medium amount of tartar build-up on her teeth and they recommend a good cleaning. Other than that she checked out beautifully. So that's good.

My husband has been getting teeth pulled every few days until he gets all his wisdom teeth out. So he's been in a lot of pain lately.

Yesterday I caught my oldest daughter swinging our new dog around by the leash around her poor little neck. She never used to be like this until her biological father came into her life about 8 months ago. She's gotten darker and stranger every since.
I've got my oldest daughter on a diet too. Her bio-father is making her fat! She says she eats Jack-in-the-Box for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch, and Subway for dinner. So when she's in my care she has banana, grapes, and strawberries for breakfast, school lunch or pb & j at home, and a balanced but LIGHT dinner. Her snack foods are raisins, grapes, strawberries, apricots, string cheese, mickey mouse shaped cheese pieces, popcorn, or pretzels. Once per week she gets to have cereal for breakfast with a banana.

Her school portraits, which are SO overly expensive by the way, came back a few days ago and she had FOOD on her face in the pictures! I don't even know if I want to bother with re-takes. You would think the photographer would have said or done something about that though! Am I right? I mean I could make this subject a post of it's own, in fact I might. Bartolo Photography was not very professional to have taken the portrait that way.

My youngest daughter, now 4 years old, is able to spell her older sister's name by memory. I'm impressed.

Both the girls had a check up with the pediatrician last week and they both got vaccinations. The older only needed 1 for Chicken Pox. The youngest needed 5! She will need one more 6 months from now and she will up-to-date to enter Kindergarten next year!

WOW! She will be a Kindergartener and we will have a 5 month old little baby boy at home!

The Doctor didn't seem very concerned about my oldest one's eating habits, but I am and I'm thinking of going for a 2nd opinion.

I didn't like the Doctor too well. He was Korean, and although I have nothing against Koreans, I could not understand what we was saying because of the heavy accent. Communication is a huge deal with me, so I need to have someone I can communicate with fluently and someone that I easily understand. The girls couldn't understand what he was asking them either and I have to do a lot of translating for them, and I am not even good at that for my own hearing!

We also need to find a pediatrician we trust because we're going to need someone we REALLY trust to do our baby boy's circumcision.

Also my youngest daughter is supposed to receive a referral from the pediatrician's office for speech therapy. Just as my oldest daughter did at her age, she has trouble pronouncing beginning sounds in words. Other than that the child is brilliant. Some have even went as far as to say that she is gifted. Her vocabulary and understanding far surpasses that of many adults I know. It's sad, but true. She would sound quite eloquent if her speech were perfected.

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