Monday, December 31, 2007

Johnny Released- He's home!

I wanted my Secret Mommy to know how much my little guy loves his toy you sent him. It's the only toy he even knows he has. I keep it attached to his changing table here at home, but when we had to stay overnight at the hospital last night I brought it and attached it to his crib there. Anyways he totally responds to the sounds it makes and I am so happy that he is enjoying it! Thank you.

Johnny did have to stay overnight at the hospital. We got to stay up there with him though. He was released right after breakfast this morning. The DR agrees that more than likely I suffocated him with my breast. The other possibility is reflux. Either way, he is fine overall.
Here's a picture of him in the ER room at the Children's Hospital:

Here's another one of him there. I can't stop staring at this one because of his legs, they look so loooooooong. Come to think of it, his arms look pretty long too, but I just can't get over those legs! My husband and I were joking earlier that his legs have to be that long so his ding-dong doesn't drag on the ground when he learns to walk. We're so WRONG for that! LOL

And here he is all bundled up ready to leave the THIRD hospital he's been to since birth and go home again! We joked with some of the nurses that he's doing a city-wide hospital tour.

Tonight we're celebrating Christmas late with my husband's family.

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