I have come to find that am I the complete opposite. I LOVE gift cards! I am passionate about receiving gift cards. I think they are the most wonderful gift. I would skip a Wal*Mart gift card as a gift to someone though. But with most restaurants and Target and things of that sort, they are LOVELY gifts!
This season we received a few gift cards. We got one Target card (yay!), a few WalMart cards, a grocery store card, and a few restaurant cards (w00t~)! They are exciting gifts. I can't wait to use the restaurant cards! I'm so excited about those! We already used the other cards and we got a lot of neat things too. The Target was especially fun for me. The Wal*Mart cards weren't too bad either, just because they automatically became my thing because my husband cringes at the mere site of the store, lol.
Off topic:
My sweet little 4 year old just told me that she wishes she was a boy because she wants to marry me because I'm so pretty and she loves me so much. She is so sweet!

Back to post:
Maybe I should take a poll on gift cards. I think they're fun and thoughtful gifts. What do you think? Thoughtful or thoughtless? Nice gifts, or lame ones?
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