I managed to stay awake all day because my daughter wanted to spend every second with me before she had to go away for the weekend with bio-donor. When he came to pick her up he told me that his "nana" had died. She raised him through some of his younger years, so she was kind of like mom to him too. He always told me that when she died it was going to bad for him and that he might just go entirely insane to the point of no return. So I find it strange that as he's taking my child he says "I thought you should know that my nana died." As if it's a warning to me. He also had this huge gash on his head. It looked like someone knocked him out recently. So I asked him about it and he laughs and says that he is such a klutz and that he had fell down and that it is a rug burn. Yeah, that sounds real believable.
I received some offers on one of my Yahoo groups that I decided to respond to. Our church is having a pajama party this weekend for the kids and the invitation invites them to bring sleeping bags. We didn't have any sleeping bags, so when someone offered some children's sleeping bags with a few other misc. items, I offered to pick them up.
What we ended up with is:
1. a Barney sleeping bag in good condition.;
2. a multi-point star-shaped crocheted pink and white blanket/rug/whatever.;
3. an old Winnie the Pooh blanket.;
4. the rest will either be fixed, thrown away, or passed along to someone else:
a. a ballerina sleeping bag, silky, but torn up pretty bad.
b. a cabbage patch kids sleeping bag, needs some mending.
c. some standard size pillow cases, nothing special.
d. a piece of blue sheet that is/was for something, but I don't know what.
Another offer was for some large bras, since those are expensive and not easy to shop for, I decided to offer to pick those up too, so I am supposed to get those sometime tomorrow. Hopefully they work for me.
The lady that wanted my daughter's outgrown things came to pick up those bags tonight. So they are gone, I didn't meet her, I had just left the bags on the door step.
We had Burger King for dinner so I didn't have to cook. It was safer that way because I am so tired. That and... We would of had to have gone grocery shopping in order to have a home cooked dinner anyways and no one felt like doing that on Friday night.
Oh my little one is so excited about the Barney sleeping bag that she's already sleeping in it on her floor in her room tonight. Her cousin gave us a baby monitor with a little TV to watch the baby with. Since the baby is still in our room we put the camera in the girls' room and now they feel safe at night because they know we can see in their room. We don't get the scary monster stories any more. It's really cool. The TV also has volume for the camera mic, but the static noises (crackles) are so loud that it's hardly worth it to listen in. The volume is usually not on.
On my sidebar it says Johnny weight and length. The last time he was weighed he wasn't measured. So his length is probably not current with his weight. I would even bet he's gown close to another entire inch. Either that or his outfits are shrinking, which is possible since my mom is doing most of his laundry.
Thursday night I found a receipt for two of the things we had bought at Target that I wanted to return but that I couldn't find the receipt for. So we returned them and bought mostly groceries, but I did get another wide-top baby bottle (the regular size ones are so hard to scoop the formula into), and I got a bottle-brush for cleaning them. I was going to get a drying rack, but I didn't like the style of the one at Target. It was only $5 though, maybe I should have just got it...
As soon as my little one finally said she was going to bed I asked my husband to be Mommy for a while so I could sleep. He said he would, but it didn't last for more than 4-5 hours. All I heard was baby screams. Johnny's diaper was loaded with pee and he had thrown up all over himself and everything nearby. Poor guy. Daddy was crashed out in bed next to me, I guess he was done being Mommy. If only it were that easy for me when I wanted to sleep for the night. :( Mommy's don't get days-off though. Not unless someone purposefully gives them one. Johnny is handful at night, so they'd have to be out of their mind to help me. He's like having twins. I'm not joking. And between him and the dog it's like.. oh, never-mind.
I love my little man, it's just this whole preemie stuff sucks. At the same time it's super-cute how little he is, and I love that he's so easy to move and carry. Part of me isn't looking forward to him being a big guy. He's a sweet little man though and I love him to pieces. He's had a slight fever the last few days, teetering about 99.2, 99.3. Sometimes it breaks and then comes back.
Tomorrow we're scheduled for some lame pitch about something so we can pick up our "free gifts", we're supposed to score a surround sound system and some Las Vegas hotel stays or some such stuff. I'm not really looking forward to it, but hopefully the gifts are worth it.
I had a spell earlier in the evening where I felt like I was having trouble breathing and I couldn't distinguish if it was real or anxiety. It was freaky either way.
Now I feel a queasy and dizzy and bleh.
We didn't award a Dragon of the Week on Friday night. My husband had to work late. I don't know who won. Hmm.. I dunno.
I'm like falling asleep here at the keyboard, Johnny's asleep in my arms. Maybe he'll let me lay him down without screaming at me? I have to try.
Here's something for you to try:

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