My Daddy passed away in December 2003 from lung cancer that had spread all over. Today would have been his 66th birthday. My Dad was always thankful for every year he was still alive. I remember him telling me how surprised he was that he lived to be 60 at all. It's very strange to have a son, my Daddy's Grandson, and to know that they will not meet in this lifetime here on Earth. I wonder how much my Daddy would have enjoyed my son, and just how big little Johnny would be able to make my Daddy's smile and
vise versa. I've been missing my Daddy a lot these. I miss him taking care of my Mommy too. I was just thinking tonight what a pain in the butt my dog has been, having to take her out odd hours of the night and things like that. I started remembering the times when we lived in apartments with my Daddy and having 2-3 dogs and how I never took the dogs out. I don't think my Daddy ever asked me or expected me to take the dogs out and I know my mom didn't do it either. My Daddy took care of all of our dogs and he never complained, not once. My Daddy didn't complain about much at all, and I know he had a lot he could complain about. The only things I remember my Daddy complaining about is when someone should have shown some thanks or appreciation for something and they didn't. That really upset my Daddy. "Give credit where credit is due." I remember some things my Daddy would say often. Quotes. "Hope for the best, but expect the worst." He would say. He would follow that with "That way you'll never be disappointed." One of this favorites was from the Rolling Stones
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need.""Hope for the best, expect the worst, life's a play and we are unrehearsed."-Dr.Seuss
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.-Dr.Seuss
"Be who you are and say what you feel. The people who matter don't mind and the people who mind don't matter." - Dr. Seuss
I wanted to post a picture of my Daddy with this post, but after looking for a really long time, I can't find any on my computer. :(
It's just been so long.....
UPDATE TO POST: My sweet sweet sister emailed me some pictures. Here's one of my Daddy with my daughters when my youngest girl was newborn! He was already very sick.
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