A few days ago my 7 year old was out playing and she fell down and got hurt and the little girl she's been fighting with ran up and "sucker" punched her while she was down and crying already and then the little brat ran off. GRR. Mama-bear is mad! I haven't done anything to resolve this yet because my daughter has been home sick from school since anyways. My husband and I have a few different ideas how this can be handled. Any suggestions?
My husband took Johnny in to the DRs office today to get weighed. Last time we took him was over a week ago I think and he was 4 lbs. 12 oz. He weighed 4 lbs. 14 oz. this morning. That isn't a large enough amount of weight gain for the time that has passed. He's been running a slight fever and throwing up every day, so I'm not really surprised. So my husband is waiting with him to see the DR. Poor little guy, I hope they have an actual solution. They haven't actually done the RSV swab on him either, so maybe they'll test him for that? We shall see. I wish I could have been there with him. My husband is also missing a business appointment this morning because he thought he was going to be in and out of the DRs office after the weigh in. That's what he gets for thinking, I guess. lol
My kids are on day two without TV. They've been playing with books and guitars. They've both got broken strings on their guitars now.
We've got a call into maintenance about some apartment errors (minor stuff) so I need to straighten up a bit and be available.
More later.
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
3 days ago
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