Okay. Let's see, updates, updates, updates, right?
My Secret Mommy from my DDC revealed herself. It's someone whose blog I actually enjoyed reading too. FrenchJavaBean (aka Carrie). She has been a most wonderful Secret Mommy to me and the last gift she sent me has just been a life-saver! It was the Infant-to-Toddler rocker that I had on my Target registry. I just wanted to give her an open Thank You for the thoughtful gifts. They are all appreciated and used!
I also want to thank all my Kansas kin for the Target items sent to me months ago. I thanked you by email but you all deserve some recognition too.
I wanted a baby shower so badly for Little Johnny, so I was excited to get anything and the things you (everyone mentioned above) have sent have just been wonderful surprises! Thank you so much.
One of the ladies from my church who is going to be leading the Women's Ministry has mentioned the potential of some of the girls from church getting together and sending or bringing us a meal once a week for a little while to help lighten our load. How precious of a gift is that?! Such warm hearts, it feels like Christmas all over again. Or for the first time this season. I kind of feel like I missed the holidays this year with being in the hospital, and then not recovering the way I had hoped for, and then Johnny being left in the hospital, etc.
Monday Johnny got his Synagis shot for RSV protection.
He'll get two more over the next 2 months. Then he should not need them again.
He's staying awake a lot more, hence my lack of blogging.
He's also on antibiotics. I have trouble remembering to take my own pills, so this is really testing me! So far, so good.
My DR appointment is tomorrow. Should get my blood test results. Perhaps the DR will have the medical records from the hospitals and they can look at the CT scan from a while back and give me the MRI referral they were going to (but forgot) so I can find out what it was they think they saw during the CT scan.
Ok I just fell asleep at the computer again. I know had more updates, but I only last so long. Sorry. More later.
God Bless.
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