I have this really strange sensation of something traveling through my veins into my heart.
I went to see my DR and my legs are so swollen now they are red. I'm taking more diuretics. I also got more pain meds for my back and better prescription heartburn meds. Dexa-scan results not back yet. My side hurts and is tender where my liver is. I think my liver may be enlarged. I met with a new GI Doc. He scheduled me for a Colonoscopy. I'll have to check with my team at UCLA and make sure that's cool.
Did I mention last Monday I got Wiggles groomed. I took her to Petco. They forgot to trim her nails so the boy working the front desk comes out to the hallway and starts clipping her nails. Then they charged me for a "Large" dog. She weighs 19 lbs. and doesn't resist! Almost $40 for them to bathe her, that's about what it boiled down to. J-Aces!
Lil S has been sick and so have I. Possibly the flu.
Big S will be getting tubes in her ears.
Big S has been diagnosed with ADHD and given a prescription. I haven't filled it yet, but plan to tomorrow. Her psychologist also gave a questionnaire for Big S' teacher to fill out. So we can compare evaluations. She gets good grades but she gets bad remarks about not following directions and doing things her own way instead of the way she was told.
Big S' school is having a photography company come take "casual" photos of the kids tomorrow and trying to sell portrait packages. They take nicer pictures, but I already ordered school portraits at the beginning of the school year. Maybe this next school year I will wait until the end of the school year and get the "casual" portrait poses instead. I see my Ophthalmologist again tomorrow. I want to talk to him about some of the strange visual problems I've been having and maybe get new glasses, depending on my insurance coverage.
Wednesday is my big appointment at UCLA with the Neurosurgeon! My nephew, Ronnie, will be escorting me. That way I don't have to go alone. I'm nervous. I'm also excited and anxious. It's a little over a 4 hour drive, not including stops. And I want to try to get back the same day. My appointment is at 1:00 PM at UCLA, so we plan to leave around 6:30-7 AM to get there. Hopefully we're not too tired to get back that same evening.
Okay it's getting cold, need to find my robe and snuggle up with my sweet little girls who are sleeping in my bed :)
Good night!
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
2 days ago
1 comment:
Well, I by no means have the issues that you're having, but I've been dealing with the most awful back pain I've ever experienced. I think Nathan's labor really messed up my back. I'm headed to the doctor on Thursday to see what's up. So, what you're going through is much worse and I keep you in my prayers. Yay for falling apart before we're 30, huh? :^)
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