Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thanks Again Auntie Teri!

and Uncle Bob... I totally love my MacBook! Still so much to learn, but I keep finding programs that came installed on here that are so much fun. And some that will take some dedication to learn how to use but look real cool. Anyways, I use it a lot and I am going to get some more accessories for it and a bag for it so I can take it with me when I go places without worrying about it frying in the desert heat. It hasn't left my apartment since it got here. John bought me some sound boosting headphones (one of the really nice Koss brand ones -lifetime warranty) and I got a wireless mouse that works perfectly..... I'm just having a blast and I love the portability! It's light enough the kids can bring it to me when I don't feel like getting up too. I just had to publicly thank you again because I'm feeling so good and it's because of you and so you should know so you can feel good too. It probably won't be the last thank you either, you've been forewarned, lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can tell from you recent number of posts that you are feeling better....thanks for the note! love from the swiss family taylors....