He's such a sweet little guy. He is a really good baby.
He hates green beans though. And formula from Kmart (store brand).
Those two things make him crabby.
Oh yeah, and don't leave him alone if he's awake! Unless you can get far enough away not to hear him scream (no one has accomplished this yet).
I tried 6 times to upload a video of lil man here, but blogger isn't cooperating :(
We are sitting here after dinner looking at this cute guy. Tara so wants to hold him and be your Moms helper.
He looks so alert and ready to get up and about
Make sure you keep us posted on his development.
Bob, Teri and Tara
I'm glad it's helpful for you! He's such a cutie!
That's too funny about my picture that looks like a Microsoft background. Maybe I should get a job taking photos for Microsoft wallpaper and screensavers! I will have to check out some photo contests; I hadn't thought much about it before, but it sounds like it could be fun!
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