Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School 2008-2009

Today is/was the first day of school for the 2008-2009 school year for my girls. Lil S started Kindergarten and it was her real first day of school, no preschool or anything prior. Big S started 2nd grade. My God, they grow up so fast!

Big S and Grandma

Big S

Big S' backpack

Lil S and Buster Banks

Lil S and Lil J (in the swing in the background)

Lil S' backpack

Lil S'

Lil S' waiting at the bus stop. I offered to take her for her first day but she insisted on the riding the bus instead. I was very proud. I managed not to cry. Possibly because it's my 2nd one going to Kindergarten? There was one other little girl that came to the bus stop and is also in her class, so that was neat.

Here's a video of Lil S walking to the bus stop:

I was going to add a better video of both the girls getting off the bus coming home from school (in a thunderstorm with Buster Banks greeting them), but Blogger is not cooperating with me to upload it. Grr.

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