The school is having a Halloween Carnival Poster Contest. The kids in grades K-2nd will have one winner and grades 3rd--5th will have one winner. The prize for both winners is 40 Carnival Tickets each. Of course my girls want to enter. Each poster for the contest is required to include 4 things:
1. Halloween Carnival
2. Tomiyasu Elementary School
3. October 24th
4. 6-9 PM
"BE CREATIVE" were the only other instructions. Well, here's how that went down:
Lil S worked diligently all weekend long, with extensive help from me. She was very dedicated and excited about the entire project and she had many great ideas. It was a pleasure working with her, she didn't once frustrate me and we spent a lot of intensive concentrating independently without disturbing one another over the weekend.
Big S came home Sunday evening jealous. I decided to help her, but I required hers be different than her sisters so that they may both be original instead of using the same ideas and craft items. She wanted my help. While helping her she decided that she'd rather ride her bike while I was working on her poster. I refused to work on it without her. I drew sketches of zombies in a notebook for her to use on her poster. She demanded that I draw them on her poster. It ended up that all the ideas were mine, all the art was mine, well I pretty much outlined the whole damn thing, I even got Daddy (John) to help me with a few things too. Then I told her she needs to trace all the outlines in black colored pencil to thicken the final lines. She looked at me with a sad look and said "I don't think I can trace, I don't know how." I was so angry and I looked at her boldly and harshly said "You're going to tell me that tracing this art is too hard for you now?" and she looked at my face and forced a smile on her own face and said "I can do it!" She came to me a few minutes later asking if she can take a break and I checked her poster and she had hardly traced anything. I said "No." and asked Lil S to help her trace. After a while she came to ask me if she can start coloring but it was really late and Daddy said it was bedtime, so I offered to color before I went to bed, I don't know why. I just finished it.
I have a problem with this situation, however, and that is because the girls are both competing in the school's poster contest, including competing against each other. I don't know which one looks better but I was thinking "What if these two are the best ones in the competition by chance?" I mean, we did spend a lot of time on them and they both look great. I don't think I got finished photos of Lil S' before we turned it in at school. I would be upset if Big S won because I wanted to help her so that she wouldn't feel bad, and she is a really impressive artist, but she didn't do hardly anything on this project and what she did do, she cried and complained about. Lil S really worked hard and really wants to win, so I hope either Lil S wins or some other kid! I would just feel so awful if Big S won after all this.
Anyways, I wanted to share my thoughts and I wanted to share pictures of the posters.
These are pictures of Big S' poster that I just finished. For some reason I can't get Lil S' poster pictures loaded, it wasn't finished yet when I took the photos anyways. I'll try again later to get those posted here.
Click any image to enlarge.
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