Friday was Big S' 2nd grade teacher's last day. She is moving to Boston to be with her mother who is very ill. She will have a different teacher on Monday morning. Her "new" teacher has taught 2nd grade at her school for a while, she switched to teach 5th grade for this school year, but when she heard there was an opening in 2nd grade she asked to switch back. The school is currently looking to hire a new 5th grade teacher now.
In case any one is wondering... The girls and I decided to skip purchasing school portraits last month. So we won't have any to send out any time soon. We're still debating on getting portraits done independently of the school or ordering from the school at the end of the school year when they have Springtime portraits where you can do casual poses, more freestyle.
We threw Grandma Diana a surprise birthday party today. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, the 13th. We took her to Applebees (I HATE Applebees, it was not my idea). My girls both picked out cards and expensive chocolates to give her and I picked out an electric blanket, the tissue papers and a cute gift bag. I think she really liked it! Which is good because I HATE APPLEBEES, did I mention the food at APPLEBEES SUCKS?!
I'm getting more nervous about my health. I really do want to live to see my kids and their kids grow up and maybe even my great-grandkids a little too, ya know? I'm scared, really scared. I often sit alone and cry about it. Not just for me, but I don't want my kids to go without me. Big S would get ripped away from everything she's comfortable with, Lil S is extremely attached to me and Lil J is just getting to know me, he wouldn't remember me at all if I die. I'm really not depressed. I am scared though.
Okay, here's the pictures, there's a lot. Click any to enlarge.
My precious Lil J man!
Big S and Lil J
Me and Lil J. Holy hell, do I really look like that!? OMG that is so depressing!!
Wiggles, the Stallion!
Wiggles the... retard?
Buster begging.
Big S showing off her Heelys skate shoes that we got her for her birthday. I can't get it through my head that she's 8 now! Wow!
Buster checking out Wiggles' booty.
Buster Banks
Wiggles begging for attention.
Wiggles and Buster.
Lil J hanging out on the kitchen floor with a make-up bag.
My 3 kids!
The kids and the dogs!
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