Usually people ask how things are and I can say they are good and that's the truth.
Not today. People have asked and when I say "Good", it feels like a total lie.
I am not happy today. I don't think I was very happy yesterday either. Is it depression? Or is it a series of events that are leading me to legitimate feelings of unhappiness? I am unsure.
I was in the middle of instructing my 4 year old how to do something that she was in a hurry to do without any instructions from me when my mother is walking towards us and begins talking to me about more of her woes leaving me to make the frustrating decision of whether to interrupt her in return and finish my explanation to my daughter or to let my mother continue to go on as if she is the center of the world (as she obviously thinks she is) while my daughter goes about her task and could make a mistake which could cause another domino effect of problems.
My six year old daughter does the same thing constantly as does my mother. Each of them have no regard for the conversations or activities of others. They are the only ones of any importance in their minds and whatever they have to say, no matter how unimportant, is of the utmost urgency according to them.
I believe that's why I have high blood pressure. It's not just the irritation and frustration they cause, it's also the urgency in their tone at which they approach with.
They however, are not the lone source of my unhappiness. To say the least, my children have not caused me to be unhappy. If anything, they are the most joyful assets in my life!
Location is an issue. Not only do I not like my Earthly location at the moment, but I am FORCED to be here, which makes it even more unbearable.
I'm insulted, in more ways than one.
Krafty Chicks challenge #759 - Christmas
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
5 hours ago
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