It's 1-20-2008. Today is Johnny's official due date! Happy adjusted Birthday little guy! I plan to take more pictures of him today. It's so crazy that today is the day he is really supposed to be born!
I have some bad news about me. I already mentioned my high blood pressure at my DR appointment. It was really high too, not just a little, quite a bit. Well my blood/sugars have been high too. Also, not just a little, quite high.
I guess I'm going to have to see a DR about my problems and get them under control. I also received notice in the mail that one of our insurance type coverages is ending for my husband and myself, yet it appears the coverage is remaining in affect for the children. Weird.
I also need to see my OB about birth control and regular GYN check-up or whatever they do after you have a baby.
More later, going to lay down now.
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