Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bye-Bye Preemie

Johnny hasn't been weighed or measured too recently but I'll tell you this:

Just as soon as we used the last few Preemie sized diapers we started noticing a redness in his hips at changing (too tight) and I'm not sure if there is one Preemie clothing item left that fits him still. I can't think of one. And so I say he has officially moved on to New Born size and in some cases 0-3 months.

The coolest part about my Johnny?

He's acting like a "good" New Born too. If I get him fed enough & swaddled just right, I can get him to sleep for 5-6 hours at bed time! It's so amazing that I have actually seen him take 6 oz. at one feeding. That's so much for this little guy!

He's still spitting up and throwing up everyday a few times here and there.

Speaking of sizes and swaddling/sleeping. In case anyone was planning to send any care packages or gifts or something along those lines, please take note of the wish lists on the right side bar.

Babies R Us is having a sale to Buy one Get up to two more Half price on the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe Wraps and even those are on sale for $9.99! Johnny has just one similar to this and when I can get him to sleep in it (without him getting sick on it first- which is why I need a few more than just one), he sleeps longer and much happier! He seems to love the fleece wrap.

Also, not on the registry (hard to find online), Johnny could use some pants. Just some soft pants, something to cover his legs and keep them warm while he wears onesies or bodysuits.
Of course Pampers diapers, Pampers wipes, Huggies wipes, and Similac NeoSure infant formula are always in demand around here too!

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