Yesterday we had a wonderful evening out at the Hofbräuhaus.
Now in my picture, you might notice that I've grown so fat I now have what appears to be two faces. I am sick. I don't know what's wrong with me yet, but I have another DR appointment on Thursday and will hopefully find out more. I feel as bad as I look though.
My 4 y/o fell asleep on the way.


Sickie me and my girl.

My girl going over Grandpa Ron to get to Uncle Bob.

Made it to Uncle Bob's lap!

Grandma Zee and Uncle Eric. By the way, it was Grandma Zee and Grandpa Ron's Anniversary! Happy Anniversary to the Payne's!!!!! And doesn't Grandma Zee look FABULOUS! WOW! I'm so happy to see her looking so well and thin! Awesome!

Grandpa Eric and Daddy. In the background you can see Uncle Bob and Grandma Zee sneaking out for a smoke. Did I mention that there was a woman in leather walking around to the tables spanking men with a paddle and making them scream and jump? There were also some wild beer contests and loud music, which my little girl was not fond of, lol. Little Johnny stayed home with Grandma Diana and my oldest daughter is at her bio-donors this weekend, in case anyone was wondering where they were.

My little girl and Grandma Zee.

Grandma Zee, Grandpa Eric, and Daddy!

Saying Goodbye. Grandpa Ron, Grandma Zee, Uncle Bob, Grandpa Eric, and Daddy.

Moving on to today...
Johnny had his 2 month well-baby check-up and weigh-in today. Now, you know, babies will always do this to you, so I won't explain much further than this: He was giving me tons of adorable smiles so I started recorded him and got a few seconds of sweet-face then I get the nasty cries. This was right before we left for his appointment this morning:
He got a lot of vaccines today so he's a little upset. BUT!!!! Here's the GREAT news:
He's 6 lbs. and 9 oz. and a LENGTHY 20 inches! I think the girls were only about 19 1/2 or 20 inches when they were born and they were 7 lbs. 7 oz and 7 lbs. 8.6 oz at birth. Very good news. He is scheduled for his circumcision now in two weeks because he is predicted to be at least 7 lbs. by then and then his next well-baby check-up appointment isn't until another 2 months out, April, I think. Hubby scheduled them, so I'll have to get the exact dates for my planner later.
And now, I have to go because we are celebrating with our church tonight. They have been here for 10 years now and are throwing a huge party to celebrate their 10 year anniversary.
Afterwards, we're going out to celebrate my oldest daughter's A+ on her spelling test this week!
And I have even more to blog about later!
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