Please don't think my lack of daily blogging is due to lack news. I have a lot of new stuff going I'd love to tell-all about. I just haven't found the time! I'm either too tired, sick, or busy to get everything done.

Little Johnny is still sick and has now been exposed to RSV by a new friend of mine's baby who visited in our home a few days ago. He's been throwing-up and spitting-up a lot, but he's holding enough down too. He's definitely growing. He's too long for a few pairs of his preemie footed-sleepers. His feet have outgrown one pair of preemie socks. A few of his micro-baby preemie bodysuits still fit, but come up so high on the hips where it should cover closer to his thighs that it looks girlie. A few of his preemie hats are getting too small. And he's outgrown at least one pair of his mittens. I'm anxious to see what he weighs on Sunday!
Speaking of Sunday... Our church is celebrating 10 years this Sunday and we're going to have to miss some, actually most of the celebration. And depending on what time my 7 y/o gets home, we might miss the whole thing! Also, this Sunday is my cyber-shower with my online DDC (due date club) and I think the time for it is right when Johnny's appointment is, and even if it's not, it's during our church's celebration. I don't see how I can do it? We're supposed to reveal ourselves as secret mommies and find out who ours are then too. Although the mommy I am assigned to never posts, I'd be surprised if she showed up for the chat.
I have more news, but the baby fell asleep and that's my cue to sleep too while I can! So, I'll post more news in my next post when I can get some time!
Thanks for reading! May God bless your day today with grace and happiness!
You don't have to deserve your mother's love. You have to deserve your father's.
Robert Frost
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