Oh my gosh was Feb. 3rd COLD! And windy, and miserable!
After church we took little Johnny to his appointment to get weighed and his 2 month check up. Guess what? The appointment is Feb 10th, next Sunday. UGH. They offered to "squeeze us in" since we were already there, but we would have had to wait for 3 other appointments, so we'll just go back next Sunday.
I was feeling really religious this morning, really in touch with God, Jesus more specifically. I prayed very hard today, especially for this other member of our church. Something is ailing her, but the DRs can't figure it out. We all surrounded her and touched her through one another and prayed for her as a group and individually.
My husband and I argued this evening. It's been so long since we've argued that I can't even remember when the last time was, and I don't mean days or weeks, I mean months or years. We just don't argue about things with each other. It really wasn't anything serious. It's just that we had both just woke up because the baby was crying and the dog wanted out at the same time and the kids wanted a million things, and mom was waiting on me to make her dinner. It was a stressful moment. We're over it now, of course, and all is well, if not better. We argued in front of the children though, and I feel horrible about that. We argued in front of mom too, and surprisingly enough she kept out of it!
More later, time to nap!
Please have your mom call me ASAP.
Oh my gosh, hubby and I had our first argument in a long while on Sunday too! We also ended up fighting in front of the kiddos (though I'm pretty sure Nathan slept through it), as we were in the car. Ugh. At least you were able to go to church and have a fulfilling morning. We weren't and I know that if we had made it, the fight would have been avoided.
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