Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Everything is Lost

Remember the other day that I posted about spending 10 hours updating the links on my blog. Well that's not all I did. I took all the links from my bookmarks and favorites and added them to my blog and then deleted them all from my bookmarks and favorites in my web browsers. I also did a lot of research on children's websites for my kids and yours and had a link list for those. Same with links for Cushing's Disease, and I gathered links for pregnancy and baby stuff too.

Today I realized that all those links made my long and silly. So I went on a search for a Blogger template with more columns. I found a few. I backed-up my blog, well I thought I did anyways. I tried out my new template. It deleted all my links. Blogger calls them Widgets, and I am Blogger-Retarded, therefor I lost everything.

Every link I have found interesting enough to bookmark or favorite (either because I liked it or I planned to look at it later) for the last 5 years or so... Gone forever! I cried, I broke-down, I thought about giving up. I'm so affected, especially since I also suffer from CRS (Can't remember shit). I will find a better for next time. I think I learned my lesson. But at what a cost?!

I still don't have more than two columns at the moment. I will have do some searching on that.

Blogger or Blogger-Template-Makers should make more provisions to preserve "Widgets" or links when changing templates.

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