I am lonesome. I miss my husband.
I went to my Primary Care DR today. She removed the stitches from my scalp. They were asking why I had stitches in my head when the surgery was done through my nose. I don't know the answer to that for sure because I never thought to ask about it. I also have a big gash on my thigh from the time of the surgery. I told them my best guess is that they gave me a boo-boo while putting my head in a vice or something. Then I showed the nurse the gash on my leg and she says "They dropped you off the table, that's what really happened!" and we all laughed. Although it certainly is a possibility, but I will never know, ha ha. My Doctor prescribed me the lowest doses of Hydrocodone/Apap and is referring me for a sleep study. When I was in the hospital they kept waking me up at night to tell me to put my oxygen mask on because my saturation was low. I probably need oxygen available to me when I'm sleeping if nothing else. I have Sleep Apnea. The sleep study will confirm that so that I can get whatever medical necessities I need to care for it and insurance will cover it. I wish co-pays were considered in my maximum out-of-pocket expenses. I think I'd have it covered by now! My Doctor also said I need to follow up with the GI guy after my nose is healed. Although I haven't had the "bloody" problem since I cut back on cheddar cheese. The inside of my stomach does feel wrong to me though. Like everything is out of place or something strange. I think an ultrasound would be helpful.
Speaking of ultrasounds, my oldest niece is pregnant with her very first baby and is having an ultrasound today! I think she's only about 14 weeks, so I don't think we'll find out the gender this early, but it will be cool for her to get the pictures and know everything is coming along fine.
My daughter won Dragon of the Month at her school for the month of May which is funny because last year she won in the month of May too.
The people who did my brain surgery installed some sort of mucosal flap in my right nostril and it is so irritating! It's making me insane! I can't stand it and I want it out of my nose so bad I could totally scream!
Speaking of screaming, I went off on my dog today. She pooped on my floor first thing in the morning. Then when she finally come out from hiding I was just talking to her about how I was mad at her earlier for doing that... and as I started to continue to say that I was over it, the little brat peed on me, and the couch! So I yelled at her a pushed her off the couch and she peed more on the floor, right there in front of the couch! So I yelled at her and I was about to smack her in her face. She ran from me. Smart. I found her in my room on Daddy's side of the bed, she sees me, she pees some more! UGH! She's cornered at this point. So I pick her up and carry her to her crate (that's her safe haven, where she sleeps at night, where she feels secure, blah blah blah). She happily runs inside. She starts wagging her tail and that made me mad, why is she happy that she peed on me and in three or more spots that I now have to clean up!? So I called her a bad dog and I kicked her crate. She came running out of her crate and into the laundry room and tried to hide under the pantry shelves. Of course she was in plain site, but I just let her be. She stayed in there for at least one hour terrified. That was more like it.
By the time I had everything cleaned up, I thought I was going to pass out! Seriously, I was totally winded, I could barely catch my breath, and I was really scared. Then my poor little Johnny who I had just put in his swing before all that started happening sees me sit down on the couch again and he screams and cries! Now I'm the scary screaming maniac who chases little living things around the house shouting obscenities, so he's terrified that I'm back! I have to put my sweet voice back on and tell him what a gorgeous sweet little handsome man he is. He calms down and is asleep about 5 minutes later.
Oh hey, I don't know if I posted this or not but as of May 14th, I have official quit smoking cigarettes for an entire year! Yeah! I feel the need to point that out because I really craved one today after the dog incident and it's amazing I didn't crack. I'm still antsy, but I don't want to be a smoker and get lung cancer or some other deadly disease.
The girls are both asleep in my bed. It's 3 a.m. There is no room for me the way they are laying. Grrr, and Waah!
They go to the dentist next Tuesday for a cleaning and check up. So far, Big S has had at least one cavity every time we go. We'll see how she's done this time. Little S hasn't had any yet. Knock on wood for her!
Friday I have an appointment with the Ophthalmologist again, but I don't remember what the appointment is for.
Does anybody know where I can get effective pain medication and muscle relaxers? Apparently Doctors have no clue what I am experiencing.
My husband bought me a new printer for Christmas. It scans, copies, prints in color and b&w and holds both cartridges. Pretty nice little thang! It scans at really great quality too. I was very impressed. Any how, the darn printer isn't compatible with my new MacBook! Which means if I want to print something I have to do it from my husband's computer, so it has to be a compatible file for PC too.
My husband and Lil S have a birthday coming up soon. Yes, Lil S was born on her Daddy's birthday. Isn't that cute!?
So I was up late last night with my new MacBook poking around on YouTube. I decided that the "C-Walk" is pretty darn cool and when I'm not so fat any more I'm going to learn it and embarrass my children by doing it. Ha ha ha!
Oh yeah, I have lost a total of 18 lbs. so far since my brain surgery.
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
3 days ago
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