Man have I been forking over the cash for co-pays and prescriptions! WHAH!!!!
Monday I saw my Pulmonary DR. It was mainly a check up since I got my CPAP machine for my Sleep Apnea condition. I told him about my dizziness. He had me lye down for 5 minutes then he had his nurse take my pulse and oxygen and blood pressure levels. After that he had me stand up for 5 minutes and the nurse came back again and did the same. My DR came back in, DR Syed Akbarullah, he said that my blood pressure was not dropping when I stand up and he doesn't think my dizziness is due to anything pulmonary. So, he referred me back to my Primary Care DR to try to find a diagnosis for my dizziness before he would prescribe anything else for my lack of feeling rested when waking up in the morning.
Tuesday I saw my ENT DR. This visit was because I am still having a horrible time with my nose from the Pituitary tumor removal surgery. He said my raw bone inside of my nose is exposed and there seems to be some debris and blood clots forming around there. He prescribed me a saline solution with some antibiotic added to it. I had to go to a special Pharmacy to fill the prescription. I have to irrigate my nostrils with it twice every day. He's a really nice Doctor and I enjoy visiting him, DR Stephen Seldon. I would recommend him to any one in need of care in his speciality.
Wednesday I saw my Endocrinologist, DR Serena Klugh. She had me go for blood work to see how my hormone levels were doing since I've been off of the Dexamethasone and Steroid free. She didn't have my ACTH levels back yet. My TSH looked really nice she said. My Cortisol (fasting) was at 7. She thought it should be a little higher. She wants me to take 10 mg of Hydrocortisone once every day for now and we'll taper off of it later. She didn't look at my feet which I thought was strange since I am diabetic. I also told her about how my legs and feet go numb and limp sometimes and my hands do that when I am sleeping. She thinks it might be Neuropathy. Then I told her about my horrible back pains. She looked briefly and said she doesn't know what to say about it and that she didn't notice anything. She recommended I bring those things up with my Primary Care DR.
Thursday I saw my Primary Care, DR Lisa Hohl. I'm congested and have a cold, so the nurse assumed that's what the visit was for. I had to remind them that a cold is the least of my troubles. I don't think I would have made myself an appointment for a little cold. All the nurses there are so sweet, to me at least. So I told my DR about my awful back pain and about my dizziness. She felt my back where I showed her the pain was coming from and she said she felt a lump there and she thinks it's a tight muscle. She's sending me for an X-ray of my back/shoulder (left) to make sure it's not something else, although she didn't tell me what the something else might or could be. She was going to prescribe me something to help my muscle relax, but I reminded her that I am on Cyclobenzaprine 3 x/ day already and it's not helping. So, instead she prescribed me a medication for nerves, Neurontin. So far, it's not helping. I've only taken one though. For my dizziness, she ordered an EKG, which her nurse did on me right there in the office. It only lasted one minute, which is normal. She said there were some abnormalities on my EKG which may seem subtle, but are probably enough to be the cause of my dizziness. I'm being referred to a Cardiologist now. They did give me a Handicap form so I can get some placards to park in the Handicap parking spots. I mailed it off today. I hope there aren't any problems. I still use my Kansas Driver's License and haven't switched to Nevada. On the form it asks for my Nevada DL or ID #. I don't have either. Although I do have a vehicle registered to me here. I really do need those placards though; I'm just too dizzy to walk around that much, it's like I'm really drunk all the time.
Friday hasn't come yet, but the plan is to get my X-rays of my back/ left shoulder at Desert Radiology, exchange my mask at Bennett Medical Services for a smaller one (for my CPAP machine), and.. Oh I knew I would forget! I can't remember what else right now, which stinks because I sort of use my blog as a reminder for myself. I seriously doubt everyone reads everything I write. Unless you're stalking me for reals you psycho crazy weirdo! Ha.
On a sad note, because I couldn't write about all my medical problems after mentioning this, my Uncle-in-Law died today. John Allen, 44, died in Missouri in his own home. I am told an autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death. He was my husband's Mom's younger brother, his Grandmother's "baby boy" (no matter how old they get, your youngest will always be your baby), He will be missed. He has a wife, Pam, and their baby girl Samantha who was born on July 4th 2007. She will not remember knowing her Daddy. Very sad times.
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
4 days ago
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