Nothing going on around here lately. I've been having a lot of nausea, heart palpitations, feeling flushed, and then feeling chilled. I think it's because of my stress test, I am terrified of having a heart attack. Although I did read that the stress test is worse than an actual heart attack, of course the technicians who do it to you will never tell you that, especially before the test.
Big S stayed home sick from school Monday. She's having stomach problems, so am I, and so is baby Johnny. Big S is still not feeling well and will probably be absent Tuesday as well.
I've been making some forum posts the past few days which has me burnt out by the time I think about blogging. When I blog, I think about Mr. Belvedere, at the end of each episode. I miss that show. Moving on... One of the things I posted about that I can't remember posting here is how I am having trouble with my arms now. Both of my arms are lacking range of motion and my wrists are very sore. I feel like my arms and wrists have been mangled. The muscles are very sore and weak, the bones and joints are achy. I can barely lift or grasp anything and when I first wake up in the morning my fingers are so stiff, my hands are numb, it's horrible!
I missed House tonight (Well, Monday night), which blows goats because that is the ONLY show I specifically plan to watch.
I rented The Big Lebowski from iTunes today and downloaded it. We all watched it, well Lil S got bored with it a few minutes in and got kicked out of our room though. John and I had seen it before but something reminded us of it the other day and so we wanted to see it again. We have a lot of iTunes credit from gift cards John won as bonuses at work.
I almost ate a whole plate of food tonight, which I haven't done in a few weeks and now I feel sick, heartburn too. The heartburn is scaring me too because I hear that's a sign of a heart-attack for women.
My CPAP mask is way to big on my face now. Even my hubby commented tonight about how much better my face is looking. And I am noticing a big difference in my stomach too. I have to give myself shots in my stomach, to take my Byetta and Lantus (insulin) and for the first time in a while I can naturally see my belly button again and my tummy is beginning (although a very long road ahead) to tighten up! My body is definitely changing and that makes me feel a little bit better, but mostly I sulk in misery, or so it probably seems.
Not true.
I just use my blog as my outlet sometimes. I told someone recently that I tend to post things to my blog and then try to forget them or separate myself from them as if I handed my troubles onto someone else. That will make sense to someone out there.
Grandma Patch, if you're reading, Lil S wants me to tell you that she's sad that I don't have a quilt made by you and everyone else does. Oh and here's something funny I heard that might make you laugh...
John's ex-wife sent some pictures and spelled her own last name wrong! Everyone was talking about it last weekend at Ron's birthday party (Ron is John's mom's hubby, John's step-dad). It's hard to understand why, as smart as John is, he ever had anything to do with her. At least I have somewhat of an excuse for my ex, he wasn't like that when I was married to him, he got more stupid over time.
Speaking of that, poor Big S, she came home crying because they lost a part of her game that she won at the Party of the Year they had at school on Friday. Only a select few children were invited to it, and my girls were both there! Thanks to everyone who purchased one or more items from their fundraising catalogue! She also had a bad stomach ache, and still does. She also said one of the girls over there sat on her and peed on her lap. They apparently had a big sleepover or something, she said she had to share a bed with three other people or sleep on the floor and then she had to make 2 dozen french toast for breakfast. She was telling me that she knows 2 dozen is 24. Well at least she learned something, I guess.
I have some cute pictures of Lil S on my camera that I have not loaded to the computer yet.
I decided that buying a new TV sometime soon is a bad idea. We had previously talked about getting one of those big flat screen TVs, but with bluetooth technology and all that, I've come to a new conclusion. I believe that in the not-so-distant-future that everything will be wireless. No more plugs, no more connections. I think our grandkids or great=grandkids will be laughing at us at how many wires we had every where going to everything and think we were so ridiculous! So I'm not buying another TV (unless a crucial one is no longer functioning) until there's no strings attached (or no wires as the case may be)!
I recently sent out an email requesting that everyone who will be buying our children Christmas presents this year please refrain from buying gifts with small pieces. The kids' dog, Buster Banks, gets toys out of their bins, or off of the floor, and chews them up and leaves pieces all over the house. Later, Lil Johnny finds them while playing on the floor and then we're digging in his mouth for the hidden treasure. So please, no small parts. And "Thank You" in advance!
Also, I'm encouraging everyone to take a look at Target online, their website has a wishlist creator. The girls have made their own Target Wishlists and update them regularly. They would love to receive gifts they've already picked out. I might have a wishlist for Johnny on there, but I'm not sure. If not, I will probably make one for him soon. The children are searchable by first and last name. Big S is searchable by first name with both/either known last name(s).
Oh here's new news. Lil J took his diaper off for the first time today. It was bound to happen soon. He's been taking his pants off for as long as I can remember, but now he's ripping his diaper off too. He was in his playpen when he did it. Ha ha! Poor little guy has a diaper rash too, that's probably why he took it off.
Psst first time Mommies: Don't buy Luvs, they suck. Pamper's are the best and Huggies are alright but anything else is a waste of money! Unless you like changing diapers every few minutes, or are trying to make someone caring for your child have a horrible day!
We're about out of water so I will be heading to the water store early on Tuesday. Even though early for me could mean around 1 PM depending on how fast it ("it" being the water) goes in the morning.
Well, for nothing going on, I've certainly posted a lot.
Thanks to everyone on Facebook who is my new friend/family @ New Community! Although I can't make it to Church much lately, I am very proud to be a member of such a great family!
Thanks for reading.
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
3 days ago
Hey gal, how are you doing?
Robin. Thanks for asking. I'm doing about the same. I started Physical Therapy on Wednesday and had my 2nd one Friday. I was hoping for massages but instead I'm getting heat on my back and stretched in various positions. When I leave there my back feels like it's giving out & everything else feels worse too. I just really want some pain relief so bad! I got my xanax prescription refilled which I was out of for a few days. Since then my palpitations have not been so prominent and that is helping me cope emotionally a lot better. I rented two more movies from iTunes: "Baby Mama" and "The Clique", much fun! I loved them both. "The Clique" I watched with my 8 yr old daughter so that made it more fun. I still need to blog about all this stuff too. I'm so lazy some days. Physical therapy wore me out Wednesday. I cam home and slept, I slept all day Thursday and finally got to moving around some today. I hope all is well with you as well. I will cruise by your blog to to see how you're doing. :)
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