I was so nervous about my chemical stress test, but I did get it over with today. It was just as horrible as I thought it would be and I am not going to go into the description of it because I don't care to ever relive it! Somewhere I had read the term "feeling of impending doom" to describe it, I'll just agree with that one.
Many images were taken of my heart today. I also had an echocardiogram which is a fancier word for an ultrasound of the heart. I saw some things that concerned me and the techs seemed a little nervous too. Which really freaked me out even worse during the stress test because I had to sign a form that I understand and accept that a heart attack or stroke is possible ::shriek:: !! Right now I am hooked to a portable heart monitor. I wear it until about 4 pm tomorrow and then I have to bring it back to the heart and vascular center before they close at 5 pm. I don't get any results from anything until Dec. 4, '08.
Today was creepy. I woke up early this morning to my dog growling at me. I went into the bathroom, she followed me. As I was peeing she sat there tapping her tail like crazy (that's her "I need something" signal), giving me the puppy dog eyes and whining. She needed to go out. I got my robe on and took her outside and she gawked around a bit before deciding to pee and then I brought her in and Buster was waiting at the door for his turn so I took him out as well. Back inside the house, I had a stomach ache and went back into the bathroom. I threw up a few times and came back out to the dining room to drink some water and take my morning meds. Wiggles is sitting against the wall growling (she's got a big bone she's overprotective about), it irritated me so I put her bone in her cage and told her to get in it. Meanwhile Buster is sniffing everything in the house. Finally Buster gets to the spot Wiggles was sitting and he hikes up his leg and begins to weewee on my wall!!!! I screamed at him and he stopped and I took him back out. He didn't have to go. What I think happened was that Wiggles got scared when I told her to get in her cage and she drizzled a little before she moved then when Buster smelled it he felt he had to "mark" it as his. So then I had to clean up dog pee off my carpet and my wall! Which made me sick again! Then John woke up and came into the kitchen and got sick too. I spent the morning in bed and at the toilet until my appointment. I was actually surprised I didn't feel any nausea during my appointments. Stressful day. Literally!
My niece is due for her baby boy in exactly 3 weeks. Lil Johnny's 1st Birthday is only 24 days away. His birthday falls on a Sunday so we plan to celebrate his birthday on his actual birthday, December 7th. We haven't set a time yet, but I think we're going to keep it very simple and just have everyone over to our place. I'll have to talk to my mom about what time would be best for Johnny's schedule. It's his birthday so we'll do it on his good time. :)
Here is a picture I took during Lil S' gym class Tuesday night. This is Lil S' and her gym coach, Miss Tara:
It's major bad quality because it was taken through the glass window on the door. I was in the lobby with the camera.
Johnny's getting so big. I know I've said already, but did you know that he can sit up on his own?
He can also stand up without holding onto anything. He's even climbed out of his crib once and got banged up pretty bad too.
Okay, seriously now. Here's a cute and recent pic of my Johnnys!
And Pig S... Oops! I mean Big S, and the dogs...
It's so cool how nice my apartment looks in pictures compared to how it really looks. My carpet is so dirty but it looks good in the pictures. Neat. Haha.
Here's one of Lil S too. She was in her "jammies".
Oh and take note of the new swing! Johnny's real heavy for it. and he can grab everything on it. It's more for a newborn in my opinion. I probably won't keep it. I'm also going to let go of his walker too, he climbs out of it so it's useless to me! It's such a shame about the swing. It's a Fisher-Price Aquarium Cradle Swing and can swing either way it has like a bunch of speeds, songs, nature sounds, lights, and a spinning mobile! And I will probably never have another newborn of my own to enjoy it. I wish I would of had it this time last year. I'm going to have a hard time letting it go.
Okay that's all for now I think.
1 comment:
We have the same swing!! We're probably going to be packing it away within the next few weeks. Nathan is just getting too heavy, plus he keeps trying to get out. I guess we packed it away when Aiden hit about this age too. John wants to get rid of it "for space reasons", but I'm just not ready to part with it!! I tell you, I'm going to end up keeping it for the next 5 years until my hubby gets snipped! Just in case...
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