Friday, February 13, 2009


Well at least today I was Super Mom! Okay, so a lot of you do this kind of stuff every week day, but for me this was a fantastic accomplishment!

I went to the grocery store and got all the groceries, came home and got them all put away, made it to the school and got to both of the girls' Valentine's parties (which were both from 2:30-3:10PM), got the kids to the store for new shoes, got home & made dinner before hubby got home, etc.

The best part was making it to both of the girls' parties, and I brought home one of their friends who was going to ride the bus all by herself (after asking her Mommy, of course).

Oh, and Grandma & Grandpa Patch, they both wore the shirts you sent them to their parties...

Here is Big S' class V-day party-pictures...

Here is Lil S and some of her classmates & other Mom's at her very first Valentine's Day party!

Here is the boy that Lil S likes the best in her Kindergarten class, his name is Edgar Villasenor and he is the tiniest little guy, so cute!

And here are both of the girls in Lil S' Kindergarten classroom after school.
This first pic is Lil S and her very best friend, Kaylee Kaus.

Here's some pics of the little guy too...

And a 2 sec. vid..

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