My 7 year old is a lucky little winner. When we went to meet Spongebob she entered a drawing and won a deck of playing cards. Then we bought the Danimal's yogurts and decided to mail in some second chance drawing entries because the prizes were all for High School Musical 2 stuff, and she's really into that right now. Well she received a notice in the mail along with the High School Music 2 Soundtrack CD telling her that she was selected as a 2nd chance drawing winner! Wow! Lucky little gal! She is so totally thrilled!

We put a huge roll of paper over the dining room table for the kids to decorate. Here was my 7 y/o's spot. She said her favorite things to do are swing and jump-rope. Speaking of jumping-rope, she's participating in the jump-rope-for-heart thing at school, so if you want to make a donation to sponsor her (she can get prizes) you can talk to me about it or click on the the donation button on this page. I'm not making a donation, and I don't expect any one else to. I think it's a good idea for a fundraiser, I am just not fond of fundraisers. That's all I have to say about that.
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