But the swelling's gone down.
At least that's what the Ophthalmologist concludes. My vision field test and other eye tests today were normal. Including the one I had last Thursday. My left eye responded to light this time. His conclusion is that on Thursday maybe there was swelling that has since gone down, or perhaps on Thursday the tumor was putting pressure on a certain area and it has since shifted. He wants me to come back in 3 months to check up on me. I think I may see him beforehand though because they also do eyeglasses and I will probably need a new pair before then. We shall see.
After the appointment, I stopped by Dr. Klugh's office to speak with her because I haven't heard from anyone at UCLA and I still haven't got any mail from her either.
I don't really blame her about the mail, our postal workers suck, it's probably lost forever like everything else that's actually important. The only thing the manage to make sure we get is junk mail and bills. Okay, sometimes we don't even get our bills.
Anyways she said she'd call them again and call me in a few hours. She called me back and said that UCLA is insisting I meet their Endocrinologist before I meet with their Neurosurgeon and she's trying to get me right through to the Neurosurgeon so that I have less trips to CA. She's also irritated that they keep telling her they are going to call me and they haven't yet. So she asked if it would be okay with me if she set the appointment for me. I said "Sure!" and gave her my preferences for times/days. She said I will probably have to meet the Endocrinologist first, but we need to get the ball rolling. So she's going to call me back in the morning, hopefully with an appointment. Then I just have to figure out how I register with them and all that. It's more complicated than one would think to get this all together. She also told me to go ahead and keep my appointment tomorrow with my GI Specialist, which I've already confirmed when they called to confirm. But, honestly, I'm having second thoughts about going. I can't really afford to spend the money on the co-pay just to have him tell me to come back in a few weeks for a procedure that insurance won't cover the anesthesia for and I won't have the money he wants for it then either more than likely. Plus I will have to get a lot of quarters tonight or tomorrow morning just to be able to park at his office because it's all paid parking and parking meters. I hate that! I'm thinking I should call in the morning and cancel. I can find another DR. Actually, I'm seriously thinking I'll have better luck going to the ER. I'm on the verge of doing that anyways, because the pain is becoming so bad I can't bear much more! :0(
Oh yeah, and that term they were saying last week at the Ophthalmologist was APD.
Krafty Chicks challenge #758 - Birthday
Good morning lovely friends. I hope you're all doing ok and having a great
week so far. It's time for a new challenge over at Krafty Chicks challenge
and t...
4 days ago
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