Moving on..
I have the worst heartburn and indigestion I have ever had in my life. I've been experiencing it all day along with a burning sensation in my stomach and "hot" spots in my stomach too. I'm thinking "Ulcer!" But I'm also thinking "Hypochondriac!"
You Are 36% Hypochondriac |
![]() You can deal well with being sick - even if your symptoms are a little scary. You're occasionally prone to worry about your health, but only when you have pretty strange symptoms. |
Seriously though the stomach and back pain are really getting to me this mid-morning.
New news, let's see, what is new around here? Thursday I saw the Ophthalmologist. It was eventful. I had 2 different practice members shining lights in my eyes and got a special pre-visit from the actual Dr. My left eye doesn't respond to light which indicates nerve damage. The phrase APB or something was used. I'm not sure what that means although you know I Googled the heck out of it. I still couldn't find enough information to learn anything, perhaps I have the wrong three letters or the combination is not in order. My short-term memory is pretty pathetic as of late. Then they dilated my pupils and I looked really scary for a few hours. I have to admit though that it was a little fun scaring the kids! I should have had someone take my picture, but I didn't and it's too late now. They said I wouldn't have any problems seeing to drive, but they were full of "it". They offered to re-check my prescription and all that, but it was going to cost $30 out of pocket and due at that moment. I don't know why, it's standard that they charge everyone that regardless of insurance. I didn't know at the time who our vision insurance is with either, so that didn't help much. I know now though, we have VSP.
So anyhow I go back on Monday for a "Vision Field Test". He wanted me to come back on Friday because he is concerned we need to speed things up on getting this tumor taken care of. I had two appointments for Big S and a few other things on my agenda for Friday though. I also have that strange little cluster of moles or something next to my left eye and they said they can probably take those off too, but right now we need to concentrate on this possible nerve damage. After dilating my pupils and looking into my eyes he said he couldn't see any nerve damage. He got out a model and explained that he can only see so far and that there could still be nerve damage it just may not have progressed so much to be seen on that particular test. That's why he wants me to come back right away for this other test. It can measure the nerves that are farther back.
The place that measured me for my knee brace finally called me back. It's going to cost $181.00 to get the brace because there is a deductible on the insurance plan and it hasn't been met yet. That is a problem at the moment. We have entirely too much going on right now. Too many co-pays for office visits and medical bills and using a lot of gas in the vehicles, etc.
Thursday night Big S got some Earth Day and Mother's Day project things in the mail from Girl Scouts, so she had fun playing with that stuff while Lil S harassed her, anxiously wanting to do everything Big S got to do.
(The shirt Big S is wearing has become her favorite shirt since I gave it to her. Seven years ago that shirt fit me, and 10 years ago it would have fit me about the same as it fits her!)

I also got some cute pictures of Lil J in his pajamas. It's been hard to get pictures of him lately because his Grandma Diana has taken over. She's pretty much Nanny now, I can barely take care of him. It's so sad.

Lil S can whistle now. Big S is offended I haven't made a video of her snapping her fingers yet.
Big S saw the E.N.T. (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Specialist Friday morning. Here she is in the lobby / waiting area. She was being pretty good. :0)

The Dr. said she has lots of fluid on her ears and may need to have tubes. He also commented that she has nasal swelling also. He prescribed Omnicef for her again (this will be her 3rd time on antibiotics for her ears) and he is having her come back in next Thursday (in 6 days). I mentioned the pituitary tumors of mine and my niece and how mine has caused me Sinus Disease. He suggested I take Big S to see an Endocrinologist if I am concerned about that, but that normally children don't develop pituitary tumors until they're older than she is. Interesting. I hadn't thought of that.
On the way back to our parking spot, which was a few blocks away (we had some trouble finding free parking) her teacher called from the school. For some reason I never heard it ring, the phone just told me there was a voice mail message. It does that with certain numbers a lot. I don't know why. She had been absent now for 3 days in a row. I called them back to let them know she's alive and that she was sick and she'll be back to school next week. Later in the evening, I got a call from the school again, it was a pre-recorded message informing me that Big S has unverified absences.
We went to Wendy's for lunch. We went and got the baby some formula. Then we had to stop for an emergency restroom break because her stomach is still giving her a hard time, poor thing. I failed to mention that every single place we went Friday she went to the restroom at least once!
We finally made it to her dentist appointment. Big S will need braces when she's around 11 years old (3 more years). The dentist looked in her mouth and said the same thing I was thinking "We have a traffic jam!"

Then Big S burst into tears and started panicking as he followed that with "We're going to do two extractions." And she pleaded with him, "No, no, no!" and he explained "It's not an option, sweetie." I love her dentist!

He numbed her up and as she waited and cried, and even tried to escape, I tried to calm her down. I thought it was funny though too. I kept telling her that it wasn't going to hurt and that she was all numb and wouldn't feel it. She didn't believe me though and she kept looking at the tools on the table and getting all stressed out.

When it was all over, Mommy was right, she didn't even feel it and she loves her dentist!
She got to take her teeth home in a little treasure box again. This is the 2nd time she's had to have two extractions. When her two front bottom teeth came in, it was the same situation. After the dentist appointment we stopped at the pharmacy to drop off her prescription from her E.N.T. Dr. and she was telling anyone who would listen all about her dentist appointment and getting her teeth pulled out. If they would look at her teeth it was all the more exciting for her!

Big S won DotW.
Daddy went to host Karaoke Night at Coyote West. He wasn't out too late, I guess it was dead crowd. I thought about going, but I just didn't feel up to it. I took the girls' to the pharmacy to pick up Big S's prescription and then to Little Caesars to get some Hot N Ready Pizzas because I didn't feel like cooking either and I forgot to take anything out of the freezer to defrost. I should have left those little monkeys at home! The were "racing" through the pharmacy. Totally embarrassing. They were being loud and obnoxious and just general bone-heads! Then when we get to the pizza place, Big S, my DotW, starts touching and grabbing everything in sight and asking for stuff and interrupting me, etc. I was so flustered and frustrated! Very disappointing that my children disrespect me like that, take advantage of me being ill, and act like retards. I don't mean that insulting to retards either, if they were retarded I would have an understanding of their behavior. They aren't retarded though and they have no excuse for acting the way they were. Especially when they're getting like their favorite dinner! I mean c'mon, Mommy is getting pizza, they get to come along to go get it, and they decide to act like idiots?! Oh, pray for them!
To top it off, as the tooth fairy is about to get here, Wiggles decides it's urgent that she be taken out. Fine. "Let me just gather up this stuff for the tooth fairy so she can be on her merry way and I'll take you out, Wiggles!" I had my back turned for less than a minute and that darn tan-colored-hairy-thing-that-thinks-it's-still-my-friend had crapped on my carpet! Oh! I could have killed her I was so angry! Not only is that disgusting but it is so incredibly difficult for me to clean up that mess! Well I certainly wasn't leaving pooh on my carpet to stink up my house. And since I had to get down on my hands and swollen arthritic recently dislocated knee(s) anyways, I slapped her until she ran away from me. She ran and hid under the kids' bed.
When she's been bad she has this very guilty stance. I hate it. She looks retarded:

Well Lil J must have been awake during the day because it's almost 6 AM and I haven't seen Grandma come out to get a bottle for him and she's been in there with him with the door close since sometime around mid-night. Good thing too, because I'm going to be quite sleepy later. I'm sleepy now, but my heartburn is so bad I can't lay down!
I still haven't heard from Dr. Klugh, my Endocrinologist. I left a message for her on Wednesday afternoon that I hadn't heard anything about my referral to UCLA. I've also checked the mail every day and have not got anything from her yet. She's supposed to be sending me copies of my blood test results. She was also supposed to let me know if I should keep my appointment with my GI Specialist and that is scheduled for Tuesday, so if I have to cancel it, it's going to be really short notice!
Wow my stomach pains are intense. If I weren't so tired I would go to an ER I think. Crazy sensations, and the back pain and spasms is unreal.
Okay well we have a busy weekend semi-planned. Daddy leaves for Lake Havasu, AZ Sunday night or Monday morning. So, Saturday night (tonight, I guess) we having a going away party for him. I don't know why, he's going to be back every single weekend. I guess we have to celebrate any occasion that comes our way? Sounds like fun though, if we don't have to bring Lil J. and Grandma with us. Daddy and Big S are going to have Root Beer Floats and a Wii Tournament as her DotW prize. Sunday we have church, and I'm excited about the message for Kids Zone this week! It's "Wanting what you already have!" Then Daddy is taking the girls to SkyMania.
Lots to do!
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