Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Brush Your Hair, Lil One!

We had a nice 4th of July. We got a tank for our gas grill and got it fired up finally. John BBQd hot dogs, brats, and burgers. They were scrumptious. The next day he even BBQd us some sirloin steaks! Sweet! We also trucked over to the North side of town to see John's Mom and we went swimming in their pool. I got a nice little sunburn. Big S apparently decided she didn't need to brush her hair since that day and when I tried to brush her hair it was like fighting a shark or something. So, I took her to get her hair cut shorter and explained the importance of brushing her hair thoroughly. I hope she will take care of it better and ask for help if she needs it. So here are the pics of her haircut!

I have another surprise too, but I am going to wait until I have pictures to "let it out of the bag".

Big S has an appointment Tuesday to follow-up on her surgery.
Lil S is back in Speech Therapy and has an appointment Wednesday for that.

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