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Lil John turned 1 on December 7, 2008! Some of his clothes are still sizes 3-6 months (summer outfits/ shorts & t-shirts) while others are up to 2-3T (sleepers, bodysuits, etc.). I say he wears 18 months, because that's his most common practical fit. He's still not walking yet and although he got two birthday presents to assist him in walking he plays with them in other ways. He crawls fast, stands up easy, but not ready to walk. He's very wobbly and likes to be carried around or crawl. He's still sticking every thing he can in his mouth and loves to explore things he can do with his fingers. OH! My children, and their fingers! I think all my kids have scared us to death getting their fingers stuck in some thing extremely unlikely. They're all hands-on learners, I suppose.
Johnny's Birthday cake.
The table set-up.
My little man before the party. No clue what he's in for, just hanging out in his playpen. Business as usual.
Great-Grandma "Maw", Grandma "Zee", and Johnny on Daddy's lap!
Grandma "Zee" and Johnny sitting Daddy's lap.
Second-Cousin Richard, Second-Cousin Aedan, Great-Grandma "Maw", Uncle Bob, Grandma "Zee", and Johnny sitting in Daddy's lap!
Great-Grandma "Maw", Uncle Bob, Grandma "Zee", Johnny sitting on Daddy's lap, and Grandpa Ron!
Grandma Diana, Sister "Big S", Second-Cousin Aedan, Sister "Lil S", back of Second-Cousin Richard.
Grandma "Zee" feeding Lil J shaved-ice (not sure of the flavor).
After all that, he still takes another bite!
Daddy, Johnny, Sissy "Lil S" -Not sure what was going on in this pic, but it was funny so it's here.
My two favorite gorgeous guys!
Lil Johnny enjoying his new phone toy, Daddy holding his new GIANT frog, Wiggles warming up to Grandpa Ron.
Close-up of Johnny's interest in his new toy phone from Grandma "Maw"!
First cake photos! Cleanest first cake ever too! He eventually flung it onto the floor in excitement and was very sad afterwards.
The gift WE got him.
Calming down after the party was over.
The Birthday banner (close-up).
Some little tid-bit notes about the party:
We served the cake with vanilla ice cream.
We also served white paper bags filled with popcorn.
That cake was SO delicious!!!
Drinks varied, the children were given Capri Sun.
I bought the frog birthday party wrapping paper from the school's fundraiser catalogue earlier in the school year.
There was not a point to have a "frog theme" to the party, but Johnny received one gift in a froggy bag, a giant frog present, and three presents wrapped in froggy paper.
I've always had a thing for animated or cartoon frogs, moose & monkeys. Too bad they're not as cute and adorable in real life!
We bought a singing birthday card and asked all of our guest to sign it and let them include a message if they liked.
To see the card, play the video below!
Since we celebrated Sunday evening, we also brought the card to church that morning and allowed some members to sign it who have been praying for him since I was hospitalized before he was born.
Johnny's been talking and babbling a lot. He says "Hello" on his new phone, it's SO cute! He says Dada and Mommy, but unfocused. And since he could first make sounds (other than crying) he's been saying "hungry!", ha ha.
There were a few videos taken so I will get those posted as soon as I can. They are a bit more time consuming.
Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us. And for those that couldn't make it, you were missed!
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